Table 2. EM data collection and refinement statistics of XaxAB.
Data collection | |
Microscope | Titan Krios (Cs corrected, XFEG) |
Voltage (kV) | 300 |
Camera | Falcon III (counting mode) |
Magnification | 59 k |
Pixel size (Å) | 1.11 |
Number of frames | 180 |
Total electron dose (e-/Å2) | 44 |
Exposure time (s) | 60 |
Defocus range (µm) | 1.0–2.6 |
Number of particles | 139,286 |
Atomic Model Composition | |
Non-Hydrogen atoms | 72,436 |
Protein Residues | 9139 |
Refinement (Phenix) | |
RMSD bond | 0.006 |
RMSD angle | 0.98 |
Model to map fit, CC mask | 0.85 |
Resolution (FSC@0.143, Å) | 4.0 |
Map sharpening B-Factor (Å2) | −170 |
Validation | |
Clashscore, all atoms | 4.68 |
Poor Rotamers (%) | 0.92 |
Favored rotamers (%) | 94.56 |
Ramachandran outliers (%) | 0 |
Ramachandran favored (%) | 97.42 |
Molprobity score | 1.35 |