Figure 7.
The protective efficacy of rNDV expressing codon optimized S protein of IBV and neutralizing antibody response against high dose of IBV challenge in immunized SPF chickens at 4-week-old age. (A) Respiratory clinical signs of IBV following challenge with virulent IBV strain Mass-41. Three weeks after immunization, chickens were challenged with 104.7 EID50 of a virulent IBV strain Mass-41. The severity scores of IBV clinical signs, described in the legend of Fig. 1, were recorded twice a day for each chicken for 8 days after challenge. The severity score represents as average score of clinical signs measured for each chicken over the 8 days. (C) Relative viral load determined by RT-qPCR in tracheal swab samples at day 4 following virulent IBV challenge. The relative viral load expressed as mean reciprocal ± SEM log 10. (D) Each tracheal fluid was tested for IBV specific lesions on chicken embryo by inoculation (0.1 ml) of one 10-day-old embryonated SPF chicken egg. (D) Neutralizing antibody response against IBV. Antibodies induced against IBV were assessed using virus neutralization assay. Serum titers are expressed as reciprocals Log 2 dilution.