Figure 2.
Baseline and post-PB seizure burden, ictal events and durations at P7 and P10 (A) P7 seizures were PB-resistant. ANA12 given IP immediately after the carotid ligation reversed PB-resistance in a dose-dependent manner at P7. (B) At P7, number of ictal events were reduced significantly with PB and further with each graded dose of ANA12 + PB. (C) Ictal durations were not significantly modulated by any treatment. (D) At P10, seizures were PB-responsive. ANA12 improved PB-efficacy with each graded dose. (E) At P10, number of ictal events were reduced significantly with PB alone, and further reduced per graded increase in dose of ANA12 + PB at P10 that was significant only at 5 mg/kg dose. (F) Only 0.5 mg/kg on ANA12 significantly decreased ictal duration at P10. All comparisons done via two-way ANOVA; bars with “*” denote significance between 1st and 2nd hour within a treatment (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001). Bars with “#” denote significance between groups compared to PB (#P < 0.05, ##P < 0.01, ###P < 0.001). Bars with “@” denote significance between groups compared to ANA 5 + PB (@P < 0.05, @@P < 0.01, @@@P < 0.001).