Fig. 2.
PCA score plot and loading plot for TS-MS negative mode data m/z range 277–286 and 557–568, from canine InvUC and normal bladder. A. PCA score plot (PC1 vs. PC4) displays separation of InvUC (black triangles) from normal urothelium (gray circles) mass spectra. The InvUC/normal dividing line runs from Cartesian coordinates (–15, –10) to (12,8). B. PCA loading plot (PC1 vs. PC4) distinguishes disease state based on m/z 563.5 (oleic acid dimer) (shown in negative PC1 and near zero PC4 coefficients), m/z 281.5 (oleic acid) (shown near zero PC1 coefficients and positive PC4 coefficients), and m/z 283.5 (stearic acid) (shown in positive PC1 coefficients and positive and negative PC4 coefficients). This indicates that m/z 281.5, 283.5, and 563.5 contributed the most to the pattern differences between InvUC and normal with 281.5 and 563.5 being more abundant in InvUC and 283.5 being more abundant in normal tissues. It should be noted that m/z 283.5 was particularly high in two samples from normal urothelium, and not as high in other normal samples.