Table 1.
Baseline patient characteristics in patients receiving G-B in cohort 1 of the GREEN study (intent-to-treat population)
Characteristic | All patients (N = 158) |
Median age, years (range) | 69.0 (42–83) |
Male/female, n (%) | 103/55 (65.2/34.8) |
CIRS >6, n (%) | 28 (17.7) |
CrCl <70 ml/min, n (%) | 73 (46.2) |
CrCl <50 ml/min, n (%) | 21 (13.3) |
CIRS >6 and CrCl <70 ml/min, n (%) | 13 (8.2) |
Fitness, n (%) | |
Fita | 70 (44.3) |
Unfitb | 88 (55.7) |
Binet stage at screening, n (%) | |
A | 48 (30.4) |
B | 57 (36.1) |
C | 53 (33.5) |
Absolute lymphocyte count, N = 155, n (%) | |
≥50 × 109/l | 88 (56.8) |
Tumor bulk, N = 139, n (%) | |
≥5 cm | 95 (68.3) |
Genomic aberrations, N = 146, n (%)c | |
17p deletion | 11 (7.5) |
11q deletion | 26 (17.8) |
12q trisomy | 26 (17.8) |
13q deletion | 52 (35.6) |
Other abnormality | 6 (4.1) |
Normal | 25 (17.1) |
IGHV, N = 136, n (%) | |
Unmutated | 92 (67.6) |
Mutated | 44 (32.4) |
ZAP70, N = 129, n (%) | |
Positive | 82 (63.6) |
Negative | 47 (36.4) |
CD38, N = 129, n (%) | |
Positive | 70 (54.3) |
Negative | 59 (45.7) |
CIRS Cumulative Illness Rating Scale, CrCl creatinine clearance, G-B obinutuzumab plus bendamustine, IGHV immunoglobulin heavy variable chain
a CIRS ≤6 and CrCl ≥70 ml/min
b CIRS >6 and/or CrCl <70 ml/min
c According to the hierarchical model of genomic aberrations [29]