End‐point PCR experiments investigating UT‐A and UT‐B expression in various human tissues. (A) Using cDNA derived from pooled total RNA adult samples (N = 5), strong signals were detected using UT‐A1/3, UT‐A1/2 and UT‐B (F6/R10) primer sets. Both UT‐A primer sets detected strong signals in small intestine and weaker signals in colon and bladder. UT‐B was strongly detected in small intestine, colon, and bladder, with only weak signals in stomach and liver. In contrast, control experiments using actin primers gave strong signals with +RT reactions for all five tissues. (B) Using cDNA derived total RNA adult samples, urea transporter expression in distinct regions of the small intestine was also investigated. UT‐A expression was detected in both jejunum and ileum, but not duodenum. Similarly, strong UT‐B signals were detected in jejunum and ileum, with only weak expression in duodenum. Control experiments with actin showed strong signals in +RT samples of all three tissues. Key: RT = reverse transcriptase; + = RT present; − = RT absent.