Developmental expression pattern of Ldb1 in the mouse retina. (A–H) RNA expression pattern of Ldb1 detected with a Ldb1 antisense probe by RNA in situ hybridization. At E12.5 and E13.5, Ldb1 RNA is found in the entire retina. From E14.5 to P4, Ldb1 RNA becomes stronger in differentiated cell layers such as GCL and inbl, but gradually wanes from the onbl and outer layers. From P8 and beyond, Ldb1 RNA is limited in the INL and GCL. (I–R) Dynamic expression of Ldb1 protein immunostained with an anti-Ldb1 antibody and counterstained with nuclear DAPI. In agreement with its RNA expression pattern, Ldb1 is expressed in the entire retina before E14.5, then slowly diminished from the onbl and outer layers, and eventually limited to the INL and GCL. (S,T) Colabeling of progenitor cells with Ldb1 and EdU in E12.5 and E18.5 EdU-pulse-labeled wildtype retinas. At E12.5, almost all EdU+ cells strongly express Ldb1; however, at E18.5, Ldb1 is weak in EdU cells. GCL, ganglion cell layer; inbl, inner neuroblastic layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; L, lens; onbl, outer neuroblastic layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; R, retina. Arrows in N-P point to migrating horizontal cells. Scale bar: (L) 80 μm; (J,K) 50 μm; (A–C,I,M,S) 40 μm; (N) 33.3 μm; (P,R) 28.6 μm; (Q) 25 μm; (O) 22.2 μm; (M,R,S) 25 μm; (D–H,T) 20 μm.