Minoxidil treatment of elastin (Eln)+/− mice for 2 wk shows vessel size intermediate between untreated and 2-mo-treated mice. Eln+/− mice received minoxidil in drinking water for 2 wk or 2 mo. Untreated mice are also shown. A: systolic blood pressure (BP). B and C: pressure-diameter curves in the aorta (B) and carotid (C). Untreated Eln+/− mice and Eln+/− mice treated with minoxidil for 2 mo are shown using black or gray solid lines, respectively, and filled boxes. These are the same data used in Fig. 1. Four mice treated with minoxidil for 2 wk are shown using gray dashed lines and open gray boxes. Means and standard deviations are shown as whiskers underlying the data points. For A–C, one-way ANOVA demonstrated P < 0.05 or better. Dunnett’s multiple comparisons were performed comparing the 2-wk treated Eln+/− group with the other treatment groups. P values comparing 2-wk Eln+/− minoxidil-treated with 2-mo-minoxidil-treated mice are denoted with ^, and P values with untreated mice are denoted with *. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***,^^^P < 0.001, and ****,^^^^P < 0.0001. The remaining comparisons were not significant.