Schema of experimental design. Two-month-old female Ren1cCreERxRS-tdTomato-R mice were given tamoxifen to permanently label cells of renin lineage with tdTomato for cell fate mapping. Following a 4-wk washout period, mice were randomized into two groups for study: a young group (n = 21) and an aged group (n = 23). In the young group, 3.5-mo-old mice underwent a uninephrectomy (UniNx), and the removed kidney was used as day 0 (D0) tissue in individual young mice. Mice were randomized following a 2-wk recovery period to receive water (n = 4), hydralazine (n = 6), enalapril (n = 6), or losartan (n = 5). Mice randomized to the aged group underwent uninephrectomy (UniNx) at age 24 m. The removed kidney was used as D0 tissue in individual aged mice. Two weeks later, aged mice were randomized to different treatment groups: water (n = 6), hydralazine (n = 4), enalapril (n = 6), or losartan (n = 7). 5-Bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was given to all mice to measure proliferation, and blood pressure (BP) was measured at times shown.