Figure 4.
Muldimensional Scaling Projection of Frequency-Dependent Static Functional Connectivity Graphs (FCGiPLV) in a Common Feature Space. (A–H: δ-γ2) Each subplot illustrates the (dis)similarities of static FCGs across scanning sessions and subjects. The 2D matrix demonstrates the (dis)similarities of the static FCGs across the subjects and both repeat scans. Scanning sessions were coded with blue and red circles correspondingly and a black line connects the FCG of each subject between the two scanning sessions. With this representation one can read out the similarity of a static FCG between two scanning sessions and participants. Stress expresses the loss of information expressed in the projected Frequency-Dependent Static Functional Connectivity Graphs in 2D feature space from an original 80D space. The low stress values mean that the relationship of the 80 FCGs in the original 80 × 80 matrix is preserved in the projected 2D space. R1,2 refer to the 2D projected space of the 80 FCGs. FCG, functional connectivity graph; gDD, graph diffusion distance.