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. 2018 Jun;53(6):578–583. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-387-16


Comparison of the 95% Minimal Detectable Change Score and the Mean Difference

Mean Difference
95% Minimal Detectable Change Scorea
Disablement in the Physically Active BTP 6.69b 6.37
STP 2.31
Control 1.31
Fear-Avoidance Beliefs BTP 4.54 5.28
STP 4.61
Control 4.54
Foot and Ankle Ability Measure
 Activities of Daily Living subscale BTP 3.24 8.66
STP 2.64
Control 3.79
 Sport subscale BTP 10.94 16.32
STP 10.65
Control 6.59
Visual analog scale BTP 18.84b 13.61
STP 4.84
Control 14.61b

Abbreviations: BTP, balance-training protocol; STP, strength-training protocol.


Calculated as 1.96 × standard error of measurement × Inline graphic.


Indicates that the mean difference exceeded the 95% minimal detectable change.