(A) Example three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of neurobiotin-filled SPNs of each condition. (B and C) Three-dimensional Sholl analysis of dSPN
(B) and iSPN (C) dendritic arbors. Circles of increasing radii were drawn at 1 μm intervals from the center of the soma and the number of dendrite crossings was quantified for each condition. Black lines indicate the mean and shaded regions show the SEM. Two-way ANOVA p values are shown for (B) and (C) combined (see also Table S1).
(D–F) Mean ± SEM of the total dendrite length (D), number of primary dendrites (E), and number of dendrite branch points (F) per neuron quantified by 3D Sholl analysis for each condition.
Dots indicate the values for individual neurons. *p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s post hoc test (total dendrite length and number of branch points; see Table S3 for p values) and one-way ANOVA with Sidak’s post hoc test (number of primary dendrites; see Table S2 for p values). For all graphs, dSPN WT n = 22 neurons from 21 mice, dSPN KO n = 24 neurons from 19 mice, iSPN WT n = 19 neurons from 19 mice, and iSPN KO n = 17 neurons from 16 mice.