The expression levels of (A) Il36a, (B) Il36b, and (C) Il36g were determined by real-time PCR relative to the housekeeping gene Hprt in naïve C57Bl/6J mice and at days 3, 6, and 9 post-infection with 30,000 EID50 of influenza A/HK-x31. Data are combined from three independent replicates of at least 5 mice per group. Males and females were used in equal proportions. Expression levels of Il36g (D) from several immune cell types as indicated below the x axis. Asterisks indicate significantly different expression from uninfected lungs by Student’s t test on logarithmically transformed data (A-C) or ANOVA followed by Holm-Sidak mulitiple comparisons test on log-transformed data (D).