Figure 7.
Model of diaphragm development. (A) At E9.5–11.5 muscle progenitors and phrenic nerve axons emigrate from C3–C5 region into nascent PPFs located between lung, sinus venosus, septum, and liver. (B) By E11.5 Muscle progenitors and phrenic nerve axons have targeted PPFs in vicinity of vena cava and caudal to left horn of sinus venosus. At E11.5–14.5 PPFs spread ventrally and dorsally and give rise to muscle connective and central tendon. Muscle, phrenic nerve, and vessels spread behind leading edge of PPFs. Some muscle initially differentiates in central tendon region. By E16.5 diaphragm morphogenesis is complete. cv, cardinal vein; vc, vena cava; sv, sinus venosus; so somite; da, dorsal aorta; e, esophagus; lu, lung; *, region just caudal to transient left horn of sinus venosus. Muscle (somites), red; PPFs, green; phrenic nerve, orange; vessels, purple.