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. 2018 Aug 4;22:183. doi: 10.1186/s13054-018-2113-y

Table 2.

Characteristics of included observational studies

Author, year
population (number)
Echocardiography timing GLS software and TTE views used Data reported SAPS
MV Mortality Longest follow up
Boissier, 2017
78 ICU patients with septic shock
TTE within 24 h of ICU admission Philips’ Qlab 8.1 (Philips®)
Ap: 4ch, 2ch
GLS and LVEF 60.1 ± 20.5
11.7 ± 3.4
84.6% 43.6% Hospital
Chang, 2015
111 ICU patients with septic shock
TTE within 24 h of ICU admission EchoPAC
v. BT09 (GE®)
Ap: 4ch, 2ch, 3ch
GLS and LVEF -
21 ± 8
65.8% 35.1% Hospital
De Geer, 2014
50 ICU patients with septic shock
TTE within 24 h of ICU admission EchoPac
v. 112 (GE®)
Ap: 4ch, 2ch, 3ch
GLS and LVEF -
11 (9–12)
84% 34% 90-day
Innocenti, 2016
56 ED patients with septic shock
TTE within 24 h if ICU admission Philips’ Qlab 8.1 (Philips®)
Ap: 4ch, 2ch
GLS and LVEF -
6.3 ± 2.8
27.2% 28-day
Landesberg, 2014
106 ICU patients with severe sepsis or septic shock
TTE on ICU admission day or as soon as possible Philips’ Qlab 8.1 (Philips®)
Ap: 4ch, 2ch
GLS and LVEF -
21.61 ± 6.8
100% 39% Hospital
Lanspa, 2017
298 ICU patients with severe sepsis or septic shock
TTE within 24 h of ICU admission Image-Arena platform (TomTec®)
Ap: 4ch
9 (6–12)
25 (18–23)
23% 28-day
Orde, 2014
60 adult patients with severe sepsis or septic shock
TTE within 24 h of meeting severe sepsis criteria Syngo Velocity Vector Imaging
Ap: 4ch, 2ch, 3ch
GLS and LVEF -
11 ± 4
65% 48% 180-day
Shahul, 2015*
35 ICU patients with sepsis and septic shock
TTE on admission and at 24 h post cardiac perf.
Analysis v1.1 (TomTec®)
Ap: 4ch
GLS and LVEF -
6 (2.1–9)
21.7 ± 6.2
69% 23.3% 30-day

Data on the number of patients on mechanical ventilation (MV) are reported, if available, at the time of echocardiographic assessment. Severity scores are provided according to the version reported by each study. Severity scores are reported according to the version of scoring adopted by the authors. Software used for global longitudinal strain (GLS) assessment are abbreviated for ease of reading

ED Emergency Department, ICU Intensive Care Unit, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, TTE trans-thoracic echocardiography, Ap apical view, 4ch four-chamber view, 2ch two-chamber view, 3ch three-chamber view, SAPS simplified acute physiology score, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment, APACHE acute physiology and chronic health evaluation

*In this study we obtained data from the 35 patients with septic shock, while the remaining 15 patients with sepsis were excluded