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. 2018 Aug 10;9:157–166. doi: 10.2147/OAJSM.S116579

Table 4.

Results of the mixed linear model for the hematological variables

Parameter WBCs Neutrophils RBCs Hb Hct MCV MCH Platelets Iron (ferritin)
Season 0.143 (0.868) 0.057 (0.945) 0.850 (0.453) 1.003 (0.388) 2.545 (0.123) 14.844 (0.004) 0.029 (0.971) 0.910 (0.432) 1.943 (–)
Training availability 0.120 (0.733) 0.595 (0.450) 0.758 (0.395) 0.292 (0.613) 0.583 (0.459) 5.033 (0.038) 0.170 (0.684) 0.101 (0.754) 0.163 (0.696)
Total competitive minutes 0.686 (0.418) 0.004 (0.948) 1.339 (0.267) 0.404 (0.568) 0.250 (0.630) 6.142 (0.027) 6.054 (0.027) 0.268 (0.613) 0.213 (0.656)

Note: Statistically significant p-values are in bold.

Abbreviations: Hb, hemoglobin; Hct, hematocrit; MCH, mean cell hemoglobin; MCV, mean cell volume; RBCs, red blood cells; WBCs, white blood cells.