Figure 1.
Intrinsic varicosities surrounding enteric glia in the mouse myenteric plexus contain SP and NKA. Images are single optical sections (1 μm) through myenteric ganglia from the distal colons of mice. (A and B) Varicosities labeled with antibodies against SP (A’–A’’’, magenta) or NKA (B’–B’’’, magenta) surround GFAP-immunoreactive enteric glia (green, A and B). (C–C’’’) Immunoreactivities for SP (green) and (magenta) colocalize in the same population of varicosities. (D–D’’’) Varicosities labeled with antibodies against SP (green) do not colocalize with tdTomato-tagged TRPV1-positive varicosities (magenta). (A’’–D’’) Overlays of each combination are shown in A–D’’ and scale bar = 20 μm. Images are representative of labeling performed on tissue from a minimum of 3 mice. (A’’–D’’) Areas demarcated by the dashed boxes are enlarged in panels A’’’–D’’’. (A’’’–C’’’) Asterisks are placed within the nuclei of representative neurons. (A’’’–B’’’) Red arrowheads highlight varicosities closely associated with enteric glia. (C’’’) Yellow arrowheads highlight areas of colocalization. Scale bars in the enlarged images, (A’’’, B’’’, C’’’, D’’’) = 10 μm. (E–E’’’) LMMP tissue culture shows intrinsic expression of tachykinins in the myenteric plexus. Immunoreactivities for NKA (magenta, E’) and SP (green, E”) colocalize to neuronal cell bodies labeled with antibodies against HuC/D (blue, E). (E’’’) Scale bar = 20 μm and applies to E–E’’’.