Characteristics of included studies.
Study | Methods | Participants | Intervention | Outcomes | Quality score |
Azhari et al. 2006 | Randomised controlled trial | Primi and multigravid, pregnant females, age 19–35 years, gestational age 40–42 weeks, singleton pregnancies, Bishop’s score less than or equal to four, intact membranes, reactive non-stress test | Castor oil, 60 mL, orally | Initiation of labour with onset of three strong uterine contractions | I B |
Ensiyeh & Sakineh 2009 | Double-blind randomised controlled trial | Primi and multigravid, pregnant females, aged 20–30, at 17 weeks of gestation or less who experienced nausea with or without vomiting | Ginger, 1 g/day for 4 days, orally | Changes in severity of nausea | I A |
Garry et al. 2000 | Controlled trial | Mean age of 24.5, at 40–42 weeks’ gestation, Bishop’s score of 4 or less, no evidence of uterine contractions on tocometry | Castor oil, 60 mL, orally | Onset of labour in 24 hours; 1 or more contractions every 5 minutes with cervical dilation of 4 cm or more | II B |
Gilad et al. 2012 | Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial | Singleton pregnancy, 40–42 weeks, Bishop’s score less than or equal to 7, no uterine activity and no previous caesarean section | Castor oil, 60 mL, orally | Spontaneous onset of labour within 12 hours | I A |
Keating & Chez 2002 | Double-blind randomised controlled trial | Primi and multigravid, pregnant females, aged 24–37 years in the first trimester (7–11 weeks of gestation), experiencing nausea and/or without vomiting, and were not taking a prescribed or over the counter antiemetic | Ginger syrup 250 mg ginger (1 tablespoon), 4× daily orally | Level of nausea | I B |
Smith et al. 2004 | Randomised, controlled equivalence trial | Women with nausea or vomiting, between 8 and 16 weeks pregnant, with dates confirmed by ultrasound | Ginger; 1 capsule of ginger (350 mg), orally | Nausea | II B |
Vutyavanich, Kraisarin & Ruangsri 2001 | Randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial | Women with nausea of pregnancy, with or without vomiting, at or before 17 weeks gestation | Ginger; 1 g in 250 mg capsule, orally | Improvement in nausea symptoms | I B |
Willetts, Ekangaki & Eden 2003 | Double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial | Pregnant women aged 22–43 years, less than 20 weeks pregnant, had experienced morning sickness daily for at least a week which had failed to respond to dietary measures | 125 mg ginger extract (equivalent to 1.5 g of dried ginger) orally | Nausea | I A |