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. 2016 Apr 13;39(1):1514. doi: 10.4102/curationis.v39i1.1514


Characteristics of included studies.

Study Methods Participants Intervention Outcomes Quality score
Azhari et al. 2006 Randomised controlled trial Primi and multigravid, pregnant females, age 19–35 years, gestational age 40–42 weeks, singleton pregnancies, Bishop’s score less than or equal to four, intact membranes, reactive non-stress test Castor oil, 60 mL, orally Initiation of labour with onset of three strong uterine contractions I B
Ensiyeh & Sakineh 2009 Double-blind randomised controlled trial Primi and multigravid, pregnant females, aged 20–30, at 17 weeks of gestation or less who experienced nausea with or without vomiting Ginger, 1 g/day for 4 days, orally Changes in severity of nausea I A
Garry et al. 2000 Controlled trial Mean age of 24.5, at 40–42 weeks’ gestation, Bishop’s score of 4 or less, no evidence of uterine contractions on tocometry Castor oil, 60 mL, orally Onset of labour in 24 hours; 1 or more contractions every 5 minutes with cervical dilation of 4 cm or more II B
Gilad et al. 2012 Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Singleton pregnancy, 40–42 weeks, Bishop’s score less than or equal to 7, no uterine activity and no previous caesarean section Castor oil, 60 mL, orally Spontaneous onset of labour within 12 hours I A
Keating & Chez 2002 Double-blind randomised controlled trial Primi and multigravid, pregnant females, aged 24–37 years in the first trimester (7–11 weeks of gestation), experiencing nausea and/or without vomiting, and were not taking a prescribed or over the counter antiemetic Ginger syrup 250 mg ginger (1 tablespoon), 4× daily orally Level of nausea I B
Smith et al. 2004 Randomised, controlled equivalence trial Women with nausea or vomiting, between 8 and 16 weeks pregnant, with dates confirmed by ultrasound Ginger; 1 capsule of ginger (350 mg), orally Nausea II B
Vutyavanich, Kraisarin & Ruangsri 2001 Randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial Women with nausea of pregnancy, with or without vomiting, at or before 17 weeks gestation Ginger; 1 g in 250 mg capsule, orally Improvement in nausea symptoms I B
Willetts, Ekangaki & Eden 2003 Double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial Pregnant women aged 22–43 years, less than 20 weeks pregnant, had experienced morning sickness daily for at least a week which had failed to respond to dietary measures 125 mg ginger extract (equivalent to 1.5 g of dried ginger) orally Nausea I A