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. 2015 Dec 14;38(2):1500. doi: 10.4102/curationis.v38i2.1500


Attitudes towards the use of technology and education (N = 56).

Variable Agree (%)
Beliefs about technology and learning
Information technology has changed the way midwives access information 44 (78.6)
Information technology assists me with looking up information independently 42 (75.0)
Information technology assists me with verifying information from lecturers 41 (73.2)
Technology is essential for successful learning 41 (73.2)
I consider the trustworthiness of information I find on the Internet 40 (71.4)
Technology is more helpful than frustrating 25 (44.6)
Beliefs about technology at the institution
Technology makes facilitators better at their job 43 (76.8)
Technology is essential for successful teaching 42 (75.0)
The university uses the technology effectively 36 (64.3)
The university needs to ensure the availability of more technology at rural sites 29 (51.8)
Technology is worth the investment 33 (58.9)
The university needs more technology 33 (58.9)
Beliefs about instructors and technology
My facilitators use technology effectively 45 (80.4)
My facilitators use technology frequently enough 43 (76.8)
My facilitators know how to use the technology that is available 28 (50.0)
Beliefs about technology (mobile phones)
Importance of using a mobile phone to discuss educational topics with facilitators 46 (82.1)
Importance of using a mobile phone to discuss work-related topics with facilitators 46 (82.1)
Importance of mobile phones to search for work-related information 43 (76.8)
Importance of using a mobile phone to discuss work-related topics with students 41 (73.2)
Importance of using a mobile phone to discuss work-related topics with colleagues 39 (69.6)
Mobile phones have changed the way I learn 35 (62.5)
Mobile phones are important tools in my daily life 30 (53.6)
Beliefs about technology (Facebook)
Social networking sites have changed the way I learn 35 (62.5)
Using Facebook for medical topics supports my learning 13 (23.2)