Figure 1. Dissolvable and powder-laden MNAs.
Aportion of an array of dissolvable and powder-laden MNA is shown in (A). One of microneedles in A is enlarged to show the cave (B). The MNA was loaded with Alexa fluor 555-OVApow dcr (red), whereas FITC was embedded in shaft of the MNA (green) (C). Arrows in B&C indicate the cave in a microneedle. After insertion of the OVA-MNA into the ear of C57BL/6 mice (D) or MHC II-EGFPmice (E), OVA powder diffused into the skin over time (D). Three-D images (upper) and top views (lower) of one representative microneedle were obtained by two photon confocalmicroscopy at indicated times after insertion of the MNA into the skin (D). Circles in the lower panel indicate the size and location of the microoneedle. MN, microneedle. MHC II-GFP-labeled Langerhans cells in the epidermis (green) and OVA powder (red) were shown by a 3D image collected in 6 hr (upper) after OVA-MNA insertion or by a top view captured in 15 min (lower) after MNA removal (E). The ear of MHC II-EGFP transgenic mice was analyzed by confocal microscopy in 6 hr after removal of BCG-laden MNA (F).A distance between two microneedles is estimated by 4 times of the basal diameter of each microneedle (4 x bases).