Fig. 3. Anatomic MRI and 18F-FDOPA PET measurements across IDH mutation status and MGMT promoter methylation status.
A) Volume of contrast enhancement, B) volume of T2 hyperintensity, and C) 18F-FDOPA PET T/N SUVmax ratio comparisons between isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutant (IDHMUT) and wild type (IDHWT) gliomas (n=39 evaluable). D) Volume of contrast enhancement, E) volume of T2 hyperintensity, and F) 18F-FDOPA PET T/N SUVmax ratio comparisons between O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylated and unmethylated gliomas (n=33 evaluable).