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. 2018 Jul 4;146(12):1478–1494. doi: 10.1017/S0950268818001760

Table 3.

Estimates of the reproductive number from mathematical models with empirical data

Name of first author [publication] Location, time of data Type of data Objective Methods Assumptions Reproductive number type Estimated reproductive number
Zhao [34] China, 2005–2016 CDC data To investigate the impact of age on TB transmission SEIR model with age structure; use least squares to get parameters that align with TB data in China; use Latin hypercube sampling to get CI Although the susceptible compartment was stratified by age, the other compartments were not age-stratified thus assuming no difference in age for those compartments Basic 1.786 (95% CI 1.775–1.796)
Liu [35] China, 2004–2014 Annual TB case data To use modelling to investigate the impact of different vaccination strategies (constant or pulse BCG) on TB transmission Compartmental models with vaccination compartments Assumptions made for all parameter values Basic 1.19
Yang [36] Shaanxi, China, 2004–2012 Notifiable active TB cases by month Study the seasonality impact on TB transmission dynamics A seasonality TB compartmental model: subjects either entered latent or diseased compartment; contact rate, reactivation rate and disease-induced death rate are periodic continuous functions Parameter values for recruitment rate, natural death rate, recovery rate Basic Dependent on parameter values
Nebenzahl-Guimaraes [28] The Netherlands, 1993–2011 Surveillance and RFLP data Determine if mycobacterial lineages affect infection risk, clustering and disease progression among Mycobacterium tuberculosis cases Descriptive and regression approach; DNA fingerprinting to link cases All secondary cases captured in surveillance data; genetic matching accurately reflects transmission patterns Effective Range: 0.17–1.04
Narula [37] India, 2006–2011 Quarterly reported data from Central TB Division Estimate basic R0 for TB Compartmental model with Bayesian melding technique to estimate parameters; Susceptible, latent, infected compartments instead of SIR Some parameter values assumed with reference in the differential equations Basic 0.92, averaged for India overall with range 0.72–0.98
Zhang [38] China, 2005–2012 Monthly case reporting data from CDC Estimate effective R0 of TB by year Compartmental model adding hospitalised compartment; Chi-square test for optimal parameters An upper bound for number of initially susceptible people, natural death rate, initial number of latent individuals Effective Range from 3.318 to 4.302 from year 2005 to 2012
Ypma [39] The Netherlands, 1993–2007 RFLP data Explore the high heterogeneity in the number of secondary cases caused per infectious individual for TB Model ‘superspreading’ parameter as a negative binomial distribution Immigrants who have been in the country for less than 6 months at diagnosis are index cases themselves Fingerprint reproductive number as a function of the effective reproductive number and the probability that the fingerprint of the infected person is different than its infector 0.48 (95% CI 0.44–0.59)
Andrews [40] Cape Town, South Africa, 2011 Carbon dioxide data, public transit usage data from national survey Estimate risk of TB transmission on 3 modes of public transit Modified Wells-Riley model for airborne disease transmission Duration of infectiousness of 1 year; used TB and HIV parameters from studies in the same area; natural history parameters from the literature Basic Dependent on duration of infectiousness and frequency of transit usage
Okuonghae [41] Benin city, Nigeria, 2008 Survey data Assess how control strategies on addressing TB transmission parameters can minimise incidence Compartmental model adding compartments of disease awareness level, identified infectiousness Model parameter values such as recruitment rate, recovery rate from the literature Basic, under treatment Dependent on parameter values
Liao [42] Taiwan, 2005–2010 Monthly data from CDC Estimate MDR-TB infection risk Mathematical probabilistic two-strain model with compartments for drug-sensitive and drug-resistant subjects; dose–response model for relationship between R0 and total proportion of infected population Some model parameter values from data, some from the literature; assumed 0.99 of people latently infected were drug sensitive and 0.01 were drug resistant Basic Hwalien County: 0.89 (95% CI 0.23–2.17) for drug sensitive; 0.38 (95% CI 0.05–1.30) for multi-drug resistant;
Taitung County: 0.94 (95% CI 0.24–2.28) for drug sensitive; 0.38 (95% CI 0.05–1.33) for multi-drug resistant;
Pingtung County: 0.85 (95% CI 0.21–2.08) for drug sensitive; 0.34 (95% CI 0.04–1.13) for multi-drug resistant;
Taipei City: 0.84 (95% CI 0.21–2.00) for drug sensitive; 0.30 (95% CI 0.04–0.97) for multi-drug resistant;
Liao [43] Taiwan, 2004–2008; selected three areas with the highest incidence, one with the lowest incidence Monthly disease burden TB data from Taiwan CDC Examine TB population dynamics and assess potential infection risk Compartmental model with susceptible, latently infected, infectious, non-infectious and recovered compartments; incorporated reactivation, relapse and reinfection Some parameter values taken from the literature, some estimated from data Basic, estimated as sum of fast, slow and relapse Highest R0 total in Hwalien: 1.65 with 95th percentile range 0.45–6.45; Taipei lowest at 1.5 (0.45–4.98); Taitung: 1.72; Pingtung: 1.65
Liu [44] China, 2000–2008 Data from the National Bureau of Statistics Incorporate migration to study TB transmission SEIR compartments for rural residents, migrant workers and urban population Model parameters calculated from website data; migration rates Basic No explicit estimate
Borgdorff [29] The Netherlands, 1993–2007 RFLP data Determine to what extent tuberculosis trends in the Netherlands depend on secular trend, immigration and recent transmission DNA fingerprinting to link cases All secondary cases captured in surveillance data; genetic matching accurately reflects transmission patterns Basic 0.24 (95% CI 0.21–0.26)
Liu [45] China, Jan, 2005–Dec, 2008 Monthly notification data from Ministry of Health Develop a model incorporating seasonality and define basic reproduction ratio Used periodic infection rate and reactivation rate to incorporate seasonality in the compartmental model; considered fast and slow progression Parameters such as recruitment rate, natural death rate were assumed to be constants; some parameter values assumed and some taken from the literature Basic Dependent on parameter values with range 0.4–2.6
Brooks-Pollock [46] Ukraine, 1959 and 2006 Mortality data Explore the effect of age structure on TB infection and disease prevalence, basic reproductive number and impact of intervention Basic SEIR mathematical model with assumptions about survivorship A survivorship function which could be described in terms of age and life expectancy Basic Dependent on progression rate with range 0–0.85
Basu [47] KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Extensively drug-resistant TB data (XDR-TB) Model XDR-TB transmission dynamics Model XDR-TB incorporating the existing XDR detection rate and treatment system Even mixing of air; range of key parameters in the model Effective 1.97, range 0.7–4.6; 1.23, range 0.4–3.1 when combining screening and therapy; 1.38, range 0.6–3.3 with South African strategic plan alone.
Furuya [7] Japan, 2000–2005 Exposure data Quantify the risk of TB infection in an internet café where people without homes stayed overnight Wells-Riley model to estimate the reproductive number Patients stayed in a confined space for 150 days; some values in the Wells-Riley equation assumed, others from the literature Estimated as a function of exposure period Dependent on exposure period
Long [9] Southern India, 2004–2006 HIV-TB co-epidemics data Model HIV-TB co-epidemics and explore hypothetical treatment effect First model: susceptibility to either or both diseases compartments; second model: SII*SEI A linear relationship between treatment levels and the associated parameters; model parameters from the literature Basic R = 3.55 when no active treatment for TB
Borgdorff [48] The Netherlands, 1995–2002 RFLP data Assess progress towards TB elimination DNA fingerprinting to link cases; survival analysis All secondary cases captured in surveillance data; genetic matching accurately reflects transmission patterns Basic Dutch index cases: 0.23, non-Dutch index cases: 0.25
Borgdorff [49] San Francisco, USA, 1991–1996 RFLP data Determine tuberculosis transmission dynamics in San Francisco and its association with country of birth and ethnicity Define effective reproductive number as a function of transmission index, which is a function of number of secondary cases and potential source cases in a given subgroup Each cluster originates from a single source case in the database; either the first case of a cluster was its source case, or that the probability of being a source case declined exponentially over time by 0.77% per day Effective, recent transmission 0.24 (95% CI 0.17–0.31)
Davidow [50] New York City, 1989–1993 TB and AIDS surveillance data Evaluate the importance of recent M. tuberculosis transmission Estimated # of TB infectious cases 1 year ago and computed short-term R0; R0 = the average # of new infections caused by each case per year of infectiousness*the average duration of infectiousness*the probability of progressing to active TB within 1 year after infection Some clinical assumptions; parameter values in equation taken from the literature or calculated from neighbourhood-specific data Short-term No explicit estimates; focused on percentage of TB cases due to infection 1 year ago
Vynnycky [51] England and Wales, 1900 Surveillance data; age and time-specific mortality rates Describe transmission dynamics of all forms of pulmonary TB Age-structured mathematical model with compartments for endogenous and exogenous diseases General relationship between: first primary episode and age at infection, risk of exogenous disease and age at reinfection, endogenous disease and current age; risk of reinfection and first infection are identical; parameter values from the literature Basic and net which is the same as effective Net R at about 1 from 1900–1950; basic R0 declined from about 3 in 1900, reached 2 by 1950, and first fell below 1 in about 1960
Salpeter [52] USA, 1930–1995 Case rates, correction for rates before 1975 Estimate time delay from infection to disease and R Estimate R as a function of case rate and the shape of the delay function R and case rate constant with calendar time t; incidence rate of latent infection is independent of the age Effective 0.55, range 0.4–0.7 in sensitivity analysis
Borgdorff [27] Netherlands, 1993–1995 RFLP data Quantifying transmission of TB between and within nationalities Effective R0 estimated as a function of transmission index Probability of a patient being the source of a cluster was proportional to the incidence rate of potential sources times the probability that a potential source would give rise to a cluster Effective 0.26, 95% CI (0.20–0.32); also estimated for different nationalities