Schematic of the Dual Echo T2-weighted acquisition for Enhanced Conspicuity of Tumors (DETECT) using single-shot turbo spin echo. In each repetition, four images are acquired with variable refocusing flip angles, including out-of-phase (OP) and in-phase (IP) images at both short TE (TE1) and long TE (TE2). The IP and OP echoes are acquired using the bipolar readout gradients (Gx) with partial echo acquisitions between each pair of refocusing pulses, and at all refocusing pulses. After the readout gradients, a rewinder gradient with large gradient strength is used to minimize the echo spacing. δt is the time difference between the OP and IP acquisitions (e.g. 1.1 ms at 3T). For both TEs, a linear view-ordering with partial phase encoding is used to sample the k-space.