Figure 5.
Extracellular citrate (EC) measured using GCMS. (A and B) IrrDSBsen versus controls. Extracellular citrate at 5, 10 and 20 days after irradiation with 0, 0.5 Gy and 20 Gy gamma rays. (A) NHOF-1; (B) IMR90. n = 3 except for day 10 0 Gy and 0.5 Gy in IMR90 where n = 2. Error bars represent standard deviation from the mean *p < 0.5 with a 1 way ANOVA and Tukey’s post hoc analysis. (C and D) The same data as A and B normalised to the 0 Gy control for each time point. (E) PEsen fibroblasts versus controls. Concentration of extracellular citrate from NHOF1 and IMR90 fibroblasts that are rendered senescent due to proliferative exhaustion (PEsen) compared to growing controls, and normalised to cell number n = 3 per group *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01 as assessed by the two-tailed Student’s T Test. Grey bars = growing controls; black bars = PEsen cells.