Fig. 2.
Temperature-dependent resistivity and SdH oscillations in magnetic fields up to 16 T. a Temperature dependence of the resistivity ρxx measured under different magnetic fields. Inset: Optical image of a typical single crystal. b Magnetic field dependence of MR under different angles θ at 2 K. θ changes from 0° to 90°, which corresponds to the magnetic field tilting from the [001] to [100] direction. c Magnetic field dependence of resistivity at different temperatures when the field is applied along θ = 30°. Inset: Magnetic field dependence of MR measured at 32 T and 2 K. d SdH oscillatory component as a function of 1/B after subtracting a smooth background. Inset: Two frequency components Fα = 40 T and Fβ = 350 T extracted from oscillation patterns in the main panel. e Corresponding FFT spectra of the oscillations in the magnetic field range 8–16 T. Inset: Temperature dependence of the FFT amplitude. The solid curves are the fits to the LK formula. f Landau-level (LL) indices extracted from SdH oscillation plotted as a function of 1/B