Fig. 7. SOX2 increases PIK3CA expression by enhancing KLF4 binding to the PIK3CA gene promoter.
a PIK3CA promoter luciferase reporter was transfected into HNE-1 and C666-1 cells expressing shcontrol, shKLF4, and shSOX2. b qRT-PCR analysis of PIK3CA mRNA expression in HNE-1 and C666-1 cells expressing shcontrol, shKLF4, and shSOX2. c Schematic diagram of putative KLF4-binding sites in PIK3CA promoter. d ChIP assays on two KLF4-binding sites of PIK3CA promoter were performed in HNE-1 cells expressing shcontrol, shKLF4, and shSOX2. e ChIP assays on two SOX2-binding sites of PIK3CA promoter were performed in HNE-1 cells expressing shcontrol, shKLF4, and shSOX2. f A working model for SOX2-regulated nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumorigenesis. SOX2 recruits KLF4 binding with PIK3CA promoter to upregulate its transcription, resulting in PI3K/AKT signaling pathway activation and nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumorigenesis. Error bars ± SD. *P < 0.05. Data are representative from two independent experiments