Co-expressed while differentially expressed homoeologs in hexaploid wheat. (A) Proportion of co-expression patterns of homoeologs in the expressed homoeologous triplets. ABD, homoeologous triplets in which all three homoeologs are grouped in the same co-expression module; AB-D, homoeologous triplets in which A- and B-homoeologs are grouped in the same co-expression module while D-homoeolog is in another co-expression module; AD-B, homoeologous triplets in which A- and D-homoeologs are grouped in the same co-expression module while B-homoeolog is in another co-expression module; BD-A, homoeologous triplets in which B- and D-homoeologs are grouped in the same co-expression module while A-homoeolog is in another co-expression module; A-B-D, homoeologous triplets in which all three homoeologs are assigned to different modules; Not clustered, homoeologous triplets in which two or all three homoeologs are not assigned to a co-expression module. (B) Number of co-expressed triplets containing differentially expressed homoeologs across ≥ 50% of the 727 RNA-seq datasets. (C) Box plot of the expression levels of the homoeologs in 15 homoeologous triplets showing a consistent trend of homoeolog expression bias ≥ 95% across the 727 RNA-seq datasets. (D) Enriched GO terms in the biological processes of genes in the 258 co-expressed triplets containing differentially expressed homoeologs across ≥ 50% of the 727 RNA-seq datasets.