Figure 6.
Cleavage of reporters carrying the VGPD and RIEADS cleavage sites for granzyme B is predominant. Quantification of reporter cleavage upon NK92-C1 co-culture (E:T = 3) in HeLa (CD48) cells (A,B,D,E) or HeLa cells transfected with CD48 (C,F), NES-VGPD-mCherry (A,B,D,E) or NES-RIEADS-GFP (C,F) and a second reporter, which was (A) NES-IEPD-GFP for granzyme B, (B) NES-IGNRS-GFP for granzyme A, (C) NES-DVAHKQL-mCherry for granzyme A, (D) NES-PTSYG-GFP for granzyme H, (E) NES-YRFKG-GFP for granzyme K, or (F) NES-KVPLAA-mCherry for granzyme M, with 34–82 cells per condition. Scatter plots below show reporter cleavage values in single cells at the measurement point before cell death. Percentages (blue) indicate the fraction of single cells showing more or equal (±10%) IEPD-, IGNRS-, DVAHKQL-, PTSYG-, YRFKG-, or KVPLAA-reporter cleavage compared to VGPD- and RIEADS-reporter cleavage.