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. 2018 Jul 24;11:305–311. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2018.07.010

Table 3.

Sun protection and exposure descriptive statistics for average daily values from the Daily MUSE Inventory, Sun Habits Survey, and UVR sensor.

Sun exposure metrics MUSE Inventory
Sun Habits Surveya
UVR sensor
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Sun protection methods
 Brimmed hat 49.80% 37.84% 3.49 1.38
 Shirt covering shoulders 91.95% 19.72% 4.53 0.85
 Shade 27.01% 27.69% 3.17 0.94
 Sunscreen 15.58% 17.04% 3.64 1.53
 Sunglasses 70.60% 37.95% 4.09 1.42
Time outdoors (minutes)
 Peak time outdoors (weekday) 46.67 47.33 80.83 57.63 31.16 25.12
 Peak time outdoors (weekend) 64.09 42.90 132.50 89.82 42.98 29.51
 Total time outdoors (daily average) 87.36 55.12 120.89 70.11
Overall exposure scoreb 8.70 7.55
Average % body exposed 11.94% 8.90%
UVR dose (J/m2) 45.43 42.93

Blank cells indicate that a particular sun exposure metric is unavailable for that measure.


Sun Habits Survey items were rated on Likert scales. For sun-protection methods, response scales ranged from 1 (Never) to 5 (Always). For time outdoors, response scales were converted to minutes of exposure (e.g., a response of “1 to 2 h” was assigned a value of 90 min).


Overall exposure scores are uniquely computed by the MUSE Inventory. These scores represent minutes of unprotected sun exposure, adjusted for the percentage of the body that was exposed.