A) Timeline of one prototypical GVS block. At the beginning of each of the three GVS blocks (either LGVS, RGVS or Sham), participants undertook the visual capture condition, with measures taken before and after stimulation (see B for details of this condition and its measurements). Subsequently, one of the four stroking conditions (see C for further details) was conducted in a randomised order, with measures again taken before and after stimulation. B) Timeline of the visual capture condition. Before the visual capture condition started participants performed a proprioceptive judgement (pre-GVS measurement). Immediately afterwards, the vestibular or sham stimulation commenced for 2 min during which participants sat with their eyes open. During the last 15 s of vestibular or sham stimulation, the experimenter opened the box lid and instructed the participant to look at the rubber hand until told otherwise. After 120 s (total) stimulation the lid was closed and participants immediately performed a second proprioceptive judgement and completed the embodiment questionnaire (post-GVS measurements). C) Timeline of the stroking conditions. Each of the four stroking conditions (synchronous slow touch, synchronous fast touch, asynchronous slow touch and asynchronous fast touch) followed the same structure. Participants made an initial (pre-GVS measurement) proprioceptive judgement, followed immediately by vestibular or sham stimulation and concurrent tactile stimulation (i.e. stroking of both the participant and rubber hand's forearm) for 120 s, during which participants looked continuously at the rubber hand. A second proprioceptive judgement and embodiment questionnaire was completed immediately following completion of the 120 s concurrent vestibular / tactile stimulation (post-GVS measurements).