Middle Stone Age Cultural Artefacts. (A–D) Bifacial foliates from northern Africa (A, Mugharet el Aliya; B–D, Adrar Bous). (E–G) Bifacial foliates from southern Africa (Blombos Cave). (H,I) Tanged tools from northern Africa. (J) Segmented piece bearing mastic residue from southern Africa (Sibudu). (K) Engraved ochre fragment (Blombos Cave). (L–N) Engraved ostrich eggshell fragments from southern Africa (Diepkloof). (O,P) Bone points from southern Africa (Sibudu and Blombos Cave, respectively). (Q) Bone point from northern Africa (El Mnasra). (R–V) Perforated Trivia gibbosula shells from northern Africa (R,S, Grotte de Pigeons; T–V, Rhafas, Ifri n’Ammar, and Oued Djebbana, respectively). (W–Aa) Perforated Nassarius kraussianus shells from Blombos Cave. (Ab) Conus ebraeus shell bead (Conus 2) from southern Africa (Border Cave). (Ac) Ochre fragment shaped by grinding from southern Africa (Blombos Cave). All scales are 1 cm. Boxed items indicate rescaled artefacts. Images reproduced, with permission, from (A–D, H, I) The Stone Age Institute; (E–G, J–P, Ac) from [35]; (Q) from [47]; and (R–Ab) from 35, 47, 48.