Table 1.
The possible parental genotypes virgin females and the resulting F1 outcome, with the expected phenotypes and the possible genotypes
Parental phenotypes (virgin females) (Possible genotypes) | F1 offspring phenotypes (all males) (Possible genotypes) |
♀ com (cc) | ♂ com (c‐) |
♀ n‐com (CC) | ♂ n‐com (C‐) |
♀ n‐com (Cc) | ♂ n‐com:com (½C‐:½c‐) |
CC & C‐: homozygous noncompetent female and noncompetent male status, respectively; Cc: heterozygous noncompetent female; cc & c‐: homozygous competent female and competent male status, respectively.