Figure 3.
GZ17 formulations modulate levels of several phospho-proteins in HNSCC. (A) HNSCC cells (OSC19; 2 × 105 cells) were treated with vehicle control or ED50 concentrations of GZ17-6.02, -05.00 or –S for 48 h. Representative dot-blot image from phospho-kinase array. (B) Densitometric analyses of dot-blot image signals from GZ17 treated lysates normalized to those from vehicle control and presented as fold change in protein levels. The graph represents cumulative data from two independent experiments. Error bars represent ± SEM. (C) HNSCC cells (OSC19; 2 × 105 cells) were treated with ED50 concentrations of GZ17-6.02, -05.00, –S or vehicle control for 72 h. Immunoblot was performed for phospho-ERK1/2 and total ERK1/2 as loading control. Image is representative of three independent experimental repeats. (D) Densitometric analyses of signals from immunoblots normalized to loading control and presented as fold change in protein levels relative to vehicle control treated cells. Error bars represent ± SEM.