Figure 3. PLCδ4 knockdown abolishes cell proliferation in hASC, without a decrease in cell viability.
A) Growth curve of transfected cells. The curve was started with 1 × 104 cells. Cells were counted every two days, in a Neubauer chamber, using Trypan Blue for viability exclusion. From 0 to 192 hours the number of cells in siPLCδ4 were stable. The time points of 144 hours and 192 hours in siPLCδ4 are different from the other groups. B) Cell death assay, using Annexin-V/PI. 2 or 7 days post-transfection cells were stained Annexin-V/PI and their fluorescence were measured. There was no difference between the groups. NT = non-treated cells; Lipo = cells treated with lipofectamine (transfection reagent); siSCR = cells transfected with scrambled siRNA; siPLCδ4 = cells transfected with siRNA for PLCδ4. RFU = relative fluorescence unit. Two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparison tests (*** p<0.001, n=3 for growth curve and n=2 for Annexin-V/PI).