Figure 1.
Effects of replacing cottonseed hulls (CSH, control diet) with ground woody plants on goat BW. Treatment diets differed only by roughage source; either CSH or ground woody products (RED = Juniperus pinchotii, BLUE = Juniperus ashei, ONE = Juniperus monosperma, ERC = Juniperus virginiana, or MESQ = Prosopis glandulosa). During Period 1 (days 0 to 26), goats were fed a 70% concentrate ration. Goats were transitioned into Period 2 (days 27 to 64) onto an 86% concentrate ration. Data were analyzed by Period and presented as least square means ± SEM. During Period 1, a Treatment × d interaction (P = 0.008) was observed for BW and goats fed CSH tended to have greater (P < 0.09) BW on day 27 that goats fed BLUE or MESQ. A Treatment × d interaction (P = 0.67) was not observed for goat BW during Period 2.