Still images of DIC, merged, green and red channels from supplemental video S2 Fig, showing histone H1 diffusion within vegetative mycelia of a heterokaryon fusion between histone H1-GFP and H1-RFP-containing strains. (A-F) Showing time points: [30min, 225min, 240min, 255min, 345min and 780min] from video S2 Fig respectively (15 min/frame). Still images of merged, green, and red channels from supplemental video S1 Fig show interaction between histone H1 within vegetative mycelia of H1-GFP and H1-RFP heterokaryon fusion. (G-I) Showing time points: [0min, 360min, and 900min] from video S1 Fig (15 min /frame). White arrows denote the junction of anastomosis. White X’s mark the cellular compartments where histone H1 diffusion between genetically distinct nuclei occurs. Scale bars = 5μm.