(A) Mice were mock- or IOE-infected mice and treated with vehicle (Veh), Nec-1s, doxycycline (Doxy)-, or Doxy+ Nec-1s, as shown. (B) Survival of mock- (black line) or IOE-infected mice treated with vehicle (gray line), Nec1s (blue line), Doxy (orange line), or Doxy + Nec1s (purple line). (C) Surviving mice were evaluated at 15 d.p.i. for frequencies of BM HSPCs and HSCs, n = 5 mice/group, 4 mice/mock group. (D) Numbers of HSPCs and HSCs in mock and Veh-, Doxy-, and Doxy + Nec-1s-treated mice 15 d.p.i (E) Bacterial burden in the spleens of Doxy-, and Doxy + Nec-1s-treated mice 7 and 15 d.p.i., represented as Dsb copy/50ng total DNA. n = 3–5 mice/group. Dashed line represents the limit of detection. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.001.