X1: Gender |
Male: 0.5; Female: 1 |
X2: Age |
≤20: 0.5; 20–30: 0.25; 30–40: 0.5; ≥40: 1 |
X3: Physique |
Strong: 0; Middle: 0.5; Slim: 1 |
X4: Oral hygiene |
Good: 0; Middle: 0.5; Bad: 1 |
X5: Relation of the wisdom teeth to the mandible ramus and second molar |
Type I : 0; Type II: 0.5; Type III: 1 |
X6: Relative depth of the wisdom teeth in bone |
High: 0; Middle: 0.5; Low: 1 |
X7: Relationship of the long axis of the wisdom teeth in relation to the long axis of the second molar |
Vertical: 0; Buccalclination/Lingualclination: 0.25; Mesialclination/Distalclination: 0.50; Horizontal: 0.75; Invertion: 1 |
X8: Relation of the wisdom teeth in mandibular dental arch |
Lingual displacement: 0.25; Normotopia: 0.5; Buccal displacement: 1 |
X9: Number of root |
1: 0; 2: 0.5; ≥3: 1 |
X10: Type of incision |
No incision: 0; Buccal incision: 0.5; Distal incision: 0.5; Buccal incision + Distal incision: 1 |
X11: Location and quantity of bone removal |
No: 0; Buccal/Distal/Occlusal: 0.5; Buccal + Distal/Buccal + Occlusal/Distal + Occlusa: 0.75; Buccal + Distal + Occlusal: 1 |
X12: Section into pieces or not |
no section: 0; section into 2 pieces: 0.5; section into 3 or more pieces: 1 |
X13: Root fracture condition |
No: 0; 1 root fracture: 0.25; 2 roots fracture: 0.5; ≥3 roots fracture: 1 |
X14: Fracture of lingual bone plate or not |
No: 0; Yes: 1 |
X15: Surgical time |
≤10 minutes: 0; 10–20 minutes: 0.5; ≥20 minutes: 1 |