Chapter 1: Understanding depression |
Chapter 2: What makes people vulnerable to depression |
Chapter 3: How you think your way into feeling down |
Chapter 4: Breaking the lethargy circuit |
What causes lack of motivation
Good Reasons for Staying Active When Feeling Down
Common negative thoughts and testing them
Setting Weekly Goals
Chapter 5: Our thinking habits: The good, the bad and the ugly |
Thinking habits and distortions
Perfectionism and setting unrealistic expectations
Converting positives into negatives
Overgeneralising and exaggeration
Exercise: Listing positives
Summary of Unhelpful thinking habits
Exercise: Identifying unhelpful thinking habits
Chapter 6: Changing old thinking habits: the secret to being a happier person |
Exercise: The Daily Diary
Exercise: Collecting evidence to test out beliefs
Exercise: Gaining perspective
Exercise: Building resilience
Summary: Learning to question + change thinking
Chapter 7: Are you fully awake? Cultivating mindful awareness |
What is mindful awareness?
Steps to cultivating mindful awareness
Integrating mindful awareness into everyday life
Breaking old habits through mindful awareness
Calming the nervous system
Exercise: Awareness of the five senses
Exercise: Awareness of the body
Exercise: Awareness in eating
Exercise: Meditation on the breath
Chapter 8: Boosting your self-esteem |
Exercise: Challenging perfectionism
Exercise: Enjoy your own company
Exercise: Recording your strengths
Exercise: What did I do well today?
Exercise: Keeping a gratitude book
Chapter 9: Overcoming loneliness and jealousy |
Chapter 10: Dealing with self-harm, hopelessness and suicidal urges |
Chapter 11: Looking after your needs |
Understanding internal navigation system
Emotional literacy
Obstacles in communicating and effective communication
Dealing with Manipulation
Developing assertive behaviour
Exercise: Expanding emotional vocabulary
Exercise: Assertiveness questionnaire
Exercises: Early emotional needs + meeting basic needs
Exercise: Applying the action code
Exercise: Set Assertiveness Task
Chapter 12: Living with someone who is depressed: A chapter for family + friends |
Depression, family and friends and what to do
Communicating effectively with a depressed person
Eliminate unhelpful family expectations
Establish your own supports
What to do if someone is feeling suicidal
Things to do after a suicide attempt