Raw counts | Raw counts are the direct output from a pipeline, obtained after trimming, demultiplexing, alignment, and mapping. Raw count values generally are whole numbers and will not contain decimals. |
Normalized counts | Raw counts that are normalized by accounting for gene length, sequencing depth, or expression distribution. |
False discovery rate (FDR), q value, adjusted P value | These terms describe the same concept, namely a P value that has been adjusted to account for multiple hypothesis testing. |
PCA | Principal component analysis (PCA) reduces data dimensionality and describes variation using principal components (PCs). |
Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) adjustment | A method of calculating the FDR by limiting the expected ratio of false-positive results, or type I errors, in the results. The adjustment is calculated by ranking P values, calculating individual BH values, and comparing the BH values with P values. |
RPKM | Reads per kilobases of transcript per 1 million mapped reads. RPKM is calculated as follows: [number of mapped reads]/[(transcript length/1,000)/(total reads)/106)]. |
FPKM | Fragments per kilobases of transcript per 1 million mapped reads. FPKM is calculated as follows: [number of fragments]/[(transcript length/1,000)/(total reads)/106)]. |
CPM | Counts per million. CPM does not account for gene or transcript length. |