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. 2018 Jun 16;61(9):1966–1977. doi: 10.1007/s00125-018-4655-6

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of major and minor amputations, Belgium, 2009–2013

Population/calendar year Diabetes No diabetes
Number of people with amputation Mean agea (years) Number of total population ARdb Number of people with amputation Mean agea (years) Number of total population ARnb RRc
All major amputations
  Total population
    2009 618 72.4 678,655 42.3 554 69.5 10,198,663 6.1 6.9
    2010 631 71.9 738,256 43.8 549 69.9 10,226,043 6.1 7.2
    2011 590 71.9 793,883 37.6 578 69.9 10,255,320 6.4 5.9
    2012 569 71.6 846,796 34.5 537 69.3 10,271,802 5.9 5.8
    2013 599 71.9 896,126 29.9 542 69.7 10,269,852 6.0 5.0
  Male population
    2009 404 71.0 326,803 59.1 347 66.2 5,021,923 8.7 6.8
    2010 400 70.5 354,104 60.8 336 66.4 5,038,345 8.5 7.2
    2011 399 70.0 379,168 57.6 360 67.7 5,056,551 9.1 6.3
    2012 385 69.9 402,725 52.8 341 66.9 5,067,837 8.5 6.2
    2013 411 70.8 424,291 44.2 351 67.5 5,068,800 8.8 5.0
  Female population
    2009 214 75.1 351,852 28.1 207 75.1 5,176,740 4.0 7.1
    2010 231 74.3 384,152 28.7 213 75.3 5,187,698 4.1 7.1
    2011 191 75.7 414,715 19.3 218 73.7 5,198,769 4.2 4.6
    2012 184 75.3 444,071 18 196 73.5 5,203,965 3.8 4.8
    2013 188 74.3 471,835 17.7 191 73.8 5,201,052 3.7 4.8
Major amputations above the knee
  Total population
    2009 281 73.8 678,655 17.6 323 71.2 10,198,663 3.6 4.9
    2010 285 74.4 738,256 16.6 300 72.3 10,226,043 3.4 4.9
    2011 274 73.8 793,883 17.8 329 71.7 10,255,320 3.7 4.8
    2012 259 74.4 846,796 12.6 356 71.0 10,271,802 4.0 3.2
    2013 247 73.3 896,126 11.4 328 71.1 10,269,852 3.6 3.2
  Male population
    2009 173 72.6 326,803 22.7 202 67.8 5,021,923 5.2 4.4
    2010 164 72.7 354,104 20.5 173 69.0 5,038,345 4.4 4.6
    2011 166 71.9 379,168 25.7 202 69.2 5,056,551 5.2 5.0
    2012 161 72.1 402,725 17.6 221 68.7 5,067,837 5.6 3.1
    2013 159 71.5 424,291 16.0 209 67.8 5,068,800 5.3 3.1
  Female population
    2009 108 75.7 351,852 13.9 121 76.9 5,176,740 2.3 6.1
    2010 121 76.7 384,152 13.3 127 76.6 5,187,698 2.4 5.5
    2011 108 76.8 414,715 10.5 127 75.8 5,198,769 2.4 4.3
    2012 98 78.2 444,071 8.4 135 74.8 5,203,965 2.6 3.2
    2013 88 76.6 471,835 7.6 119 76.9 5,201,052 2.3 3.3
Major amputations below the knee
  Total population
    2009 385 71.3 678,655 27.6 271 67.2 10,198,663 3.0 9.3
    2010 399 69.9 738,256 30.2 284 66.9 10,226,043 3.1 9.7
    2011 360 70.2 793,883 22.1 281 67.9 10,255,320 3.1 7.2
    2012 342 69.5 846,796 23.6 224 66.7 10,271,802 2.5 9.6
    2013 393 70.6 896,126 20.5 256 68.0 10,269,852 2.8 7.3
  Male population
    2009 262 69.9 326,803 40.2 174 64.0 5,021,923 4.2 9.5
    2010 271 69.3 354,104 44.4 185 63.8 5,038,345 4.6 9.7
    2011 264 68.9 379,168 35.3 180 65.9 5,056,551 4.5 7.9
    2012 251 68.4 402,725 38.3 151 64.9 5,067,837 3.7 10.2
    2013 282 70.0 424,291 31.3 173 67.3 5,068,800 4.3 7.3
  Female population
    2009 123 74.2 351,852 16.5 97 72.9 5,176,740 1.9 8.9
    2010 128 71.1 384,152 17.5 99 72.9 5,187,698 1.9 9.3
    2011 96 73.8 414,715 10.4 101 71.4 5,198,769 1.9 5.4
    2012 91 72.4 444,071 9.9 73 70.4 5,203,965 1.4 7.0
    2013 111 72.0 471,835 11.2 83 69.4 5,201,052 1.6 7.1
Minor amputations
  Total population
    2009 1232 70.3 678,655 91.3 772 68.9 10,198,663 8.5 10.7
    2010 1242 70.9 738,256 85.0 740 68.4 10,226,043 8.1 10.5
    2011 1223 70.0 793,883 82.5 746 67.0 10,255,320 8.2 10.1
    2012 1299 70.7 846,796 75.7 695 67.7 10,271,802 7.6 9.9
    2013 1325 70.9 896,126 77.1 704 67.6 10,269,852 7.7 10.1
  Male population
    2009 860 68.6 326,803 139.0 423 66.5 5,021,923 10.8 12.9
    2010 838 69.3 354,104 125.9 397 65.5 5,038,345 10.1 12.5
    2011 860 68.7 379,168 127.2 407 65.2 5,056,551 10.3 12.4
    2012 903 69.6 402,725 114.9 373 66.0 5,067,837 9.5 12.1
    2013 935 69.8 424,291 119.0 367 65.4 5,068,800 9.2 13
  Female population
    2009 372 74.1 351,852 47.9 349 71.7 5,176,740 6.7 7.2
    2010 404 74.3 384,152 48.5 343 71.7 5,187,698 6.6 7.4
    2011 363 72.9 414,715 42.1 339 69.1 5,198,769 6.5 6.5
    2012 396 73.3 444,071 41.1 322 69.8 5,203,965 6.2 6.6
    2013 390 73.7 471,835 40.1 337 70.0 5,201,052 6.4 6.2

aAge at time of first amputation

bAmputation rate per 100,000 person-years in the population with diabetes and without diabetes, standardised to the Belgian population 2011

cRR comparing amputation rates in the population with and without diabetes (ARd/ARn)