Tissue-specific expression of class I Hdacs. a Hematoxylin and eosin staining of a sagittal section of 5 weeks old fish. Red rectangles show regions analyzed in detail by fluorescent IHC. Scale bar is 1 mm. b Western blot analysis of total protein extracts obtained from brain, liver, and muscle of 5 weeks old fish. Extracts were analyzed for the expression of Hdac1, Hdac3, and Hdac8. β-Actin was used as a loading control. c Fluorescence IHC stainings of Hdac1, Hdac3, and Hdac8 on brain—optic tectum region from 5 weeks old N. furzeri. Dashed line presents border between optic tectum and hypothalamus. d IHC stainings of Hdac8 on brain—hypothalamic region of 5 weeks old fish. Red rectangle in upper panel shows the zoomed region of hypothalamus presented in lower panel. e IHC stainings of Hdac1, Hdac3, and Hdac8 on liver of 5 weeks old fish. Dashed line shows border region between gut, pancreas, and liver. f IHC stainings of Hdac1 and Hdac3 on skeletal muscle of 5 weeks old N. furzeri. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (c–f middle panels). CZ central zone, HY hypothalamus, LI liver, MT midbrain tegmentum, MU muscle, OT optic tectum, PGZ periventricular grey zone, SZ superficial zone, TS torus semicircularis. Scale bar: 50 μm