HCMV infection downregulates SOX2 at the mRNA and protein levels in NPCs. NPC monolayers were mock infected (M) or infected with HCMV (TNWT) at an MOI of 3 (V) and collected at the indicated times postinfection for mRNA or protein analyses. (A) SOX2 mRNA levels during HCMV infection of NPCs. The levels of SOX2 mRNA, normalized to GAPDH, were determined by qRT-PCR at 4 to 120 hpi. The results shown are averages and SD of data from three independent experiments, each conducted in triplicate. (B) SOX2 and viral protein levels during HCMV infection of NPCs. SOX2, IE1/IE2, UL44, and gB steady-state protein levels were determined by Western blotting at 4 to 96 hpi. Actin served as a loading control. The values listed below the SOX2 blots indicate the relative SOX2 protein levels compared to corresponding mock-infected controls following actin normalization. ND, not detectable. (C) Cellular distribution of SOX2 in relation to viral replication compartments during HCMV infection of NPCs. The distributions of SOX2 and UL44 were determined by indirect immunofluorescence assay at 12 to 48 hpi. NPCs grown on poly-d-lysine-coated coverslips were stained with antibodies against SOX2 (green) and UL44 (red), and nuclei were counterstained with Hoechst 33342 (blue). Phase-contrast images are also shown. Scale bars, 5 μm.