FIG 2.
Distribution of proteins identified after MS/MS analysis. (A and B) Scatter plot showing the ratio of the log2 LFQ intensity of proteins from Hu-rKSHV cells to that of proteins from HuARLT2 cells, where experiment 1 is plotted against experiment 2, in uninduced cells (latent) (A) and after lytic induction (B). The names of proteins identified in both latent and lytic samples are shown in blue. The second dotted lines in panel B mark proteins enriched more than 64-fold for both experiments. The list of the pK15-interacting proteins identified in cells undergoing lytic KSHV replication (Table 2) was uploaded to the DAVID bioinformatics tool. (C and D) Gene Ontology (GO) annotations for enriched cellular compartments (C) and molecular functions (D), with a cutoff (P < 0.006) based on their fold enrichment, are shown.