Fig. 4.
Pooled posterior probabilities of ultrasonography for ruling in or ruling out disc displacement compared to prevalences of disc displacement (a positive predictive values of ultrasonography for ruling in the presence of disc displacement at closed mouth position (DD-CM), disc displacement at maximum mouth opening (DD-MMO), disc displacement with reduction (DDWR), and disc displacement without reduction (DDWoR); b negative predictive values of ultrasonography for ruling out the presence of DD-CM, DD-MMO, DDWR, and DDWoR; c positive predictive values of ultrasonography for ruling in the presence of DD-CM based on subgroups; d negative predictive values of ultrasonography for ruling out the presence of DD-CM based on subgroups; e positive predictive values of ultrasonography for ruling in the presence of DD-MMO based on subgroups; f negative predictive values of ultrasonography for ruling out the presence of DD-MMO based on subgroups). The diagonals represent the posterior probability (PPV or NPV) were the same as the prior probability (prevalence), and there was no added values for ruling in or ruling out the DDs at this diagonal