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. 2018 Feb 17;22(7):2599–2614. doi: 10.1007/s00784-018-2359-4

Table 2.

Characteristics of included studies

Ultrasonography (US)
Study ID Country Center and date Patient characteristics Number of TMJs Inclusion criteria Transducer (MHz) Type of US Initial Positioning Radiographic features of disc in US MRI scanner (T) Outcome TP TN FP FN
Jank 2005 [22] Austria University of Innsbruck/date is not mentioned 100 patients; aged ≥ 16 years 200 Patients with indefinite diagnosis of TMD, failed therapy, or need for presurgical MRI Unclear Static and dynamic Unclear Unclear 2.2 T DD-CM 127 57 5 11
DD-MMO 66 113 11 10
Brandlmaier 2003 [19] Austria University of Innsbruck/date is not mentioned 48 patients (35 Females/13 Males); 17–67 years, mean 38 years 96 Patients with reported pain and dysfunction of TMJ region 12 MHz Static 60 degrees to the Frankfort plane Unclear 1.5 T DD-CM 53 30 4 9
DD-MMO 20 57 12 7
DDWR 19 55 6 16
DDWoR 20 57 12 7
Bas 2011 [17] Turkey Ondokuz Mayis University/date is not mentioned 91 patients (74 Females/17 Males); mean 25 years 182 Patients with clinical diagnosis of ID 10 MHz Static and dynamic Horizontal and vertical A thin area of hyperechogenicity surrounded by a hypoechoic halo 0.5 T DD-CM 95 34 12 41
Landes 2006 [23] Germany Frankfurt University Medical Centre/July 2002 to May 2003 68 patients (44 Females/24 Males); 14–77 years, mean 32 years 136 Patients with reported pain and dysfunction of TMJ areas 8–12.5 MHz Static, 3D Horizontal A hypoechogenic band overlying the lateral condylar pole 1.5 T DD-CM 29 36 22 18
DD-MMO 9 73 13 12
Jank 2001 [24] Austria University of Innsbruck/date is not mentioned 66 patients (51 Females/13 Males); 13–78 years, mean 38.2 years 132 Patients with a clinical diagnosis of ID 12 MHz Static Horizontal and vertical A hypoechogenic structure surrounded by a hyperechogenic rim 1.5 T DD-CM 68 35 10 19
DD-MMO 33 69 9 21
Habashi 2015 [25] Israel Bruce and Ruth Rappaport School of Medicine/March 2011 to October 2011 39 patients (26 Females/13 Males); 18–77 years, mean 37.23 ± 16.26 years 78 Patients with symptoms and signs of TMJ disorders 5–17 MHz Static and dynamic Horizontal and vertical A central hyperechoic lines surrounded by a shadow hypoechoic rim 3 T DD-CM 19 36 16 7
DD-MMO 11 53 7 7
DDWR 33 24 12 9
DDWoR 24 33 9 12
Emshoff 2002 (a) [26] Austria University of Innsbruck/December 1997 to September 2000 208 patients (159 Females/49 Males); 13–78 years; mean 38.5 years 341 Patients with symptoms of TMJ ID 12 MHz Static Vertical A thin isoechogenic band lying adjacent to the condyle 1.5 T DD-CM 176 104 16 45
DD-MMO 97 184 15 45
Yang 2012 [27] China The First Hospital of Neijiang/June 2008 to June 2011 35 patients (20 Females/15 Males); 19–63 years, mean 37.3 ± 9.6 years 40 Patients with pain or dysfunction in the TMJ regions 12 MHz Static Vertical A thin hypoechogenic band 1.5 T DD-CM 24 9 1 6
DD-MMO 22 16 1 1
DDWoR 19 16 1 4
Emshoff 1997 [28] Austria University of Innsbruck/date is not mentioned 17 patients (14 Females/3 Males); 16–60 years, mean 33.8 years 34 Patients with signs and symptoms of TMD 7.5 MHz Static and dynamic Horizontal Unclear 1.5 T Static DD-CM 13 5 2 13
Static DD-MMO 1 14 5 7
Dynamic DD-CM 10 7 0 16
Dynamic DD-MMO 1 18 1 7
Razek 2015 [29] Egypt Mansoura Faculty of Dentistry/date is not mentioned 20 patients (17 Females/3 Males); 15–57 years, mean 26.1 years 40 Patients with symptoms of TMJ ID 12 MHz Static Horizontal and vertical A hypoechogenic band 1.5 T DD-CM 23 8 3 7
Landes 2007 [30] Germany Frankfurt University Medical Centre/May 2004 to July 2004 33 patients (23 Females/10 Males); 14–77 years, mean 34 years 66 Patients with reported pain and dysfunction of TMJ areas 8–12.5 MHz Static, 2D, 3D Horizontal A hypoechogenic band 1.5 T 2D DD-CM 19 17 19 11
2D DD-MMO 8 40 11 7
3D DD-CM 20 19 17 10
3D DD-MMO 8 42 9 7
Emshoff 2002(b) [31] Austria University of Innsbruck/June 2000 to March 2001 64 patients (55 Females/9 Males); 17–65 years, mean 35.5 years 128 Patients with TMJ ID 12 MHz Dynamic Vertical A thin hypo-to-isoechoic band lying adjacent to the inferior relation 1.5 T DDWR 22 96 5 5
DDWoR 50 65 3 10
Tognini 2005 [32] Italy University of Pisa/date is not mentioned 41 patients 82 Patients with at least one of the clinical signs including joint sounds, joint pain or restricted or deviated mandibular function 8–20 MHz Static and dynamic Vertical A thin area of hyperechogenity surrounded by a hypoechoic halo 1.5 T DD-CM 17 33 8 10
Emshoff 2003 [33] Austria University of Innsbruck/date is not mentioned 48 patients (40 Females/8 Males); 15–72 years, mean 51 years 96 Patients with clinical diagnosis of TMD 12 MHz Dynamic Vertical A thin hypoechoic-to-isoechoic band lying adjacent to the inferior relations of the mandibular condyle 1.5 T DDWoR 41 48 5 2
Kaya 2010 [34] Turkey Ankara Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Education and Research Hospital/ date is not mentioned 52 patients (47 Females/5 Males); mean 28.30 ± 10.76 years 52 Patients with unilateral chronic TMJ pain 7.5 MHz Static and dynamic Horizontal and vertical Unclear 1.5 T DD-CM 42 1 5 4
DDWR 22 8 13 9
DDWoR 8 32 4 8
Starke 2011 [35] Germany Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Osnabruck/September 2010 to November 2010 22 patients (16 Females/6 Males); 20–70 years, mean 48 years 44 Patients with a diagnosis of craniomandibular dysfunctions 4–13 MHz Static and dynamic Vertical Unclear 1.5 T DD-CM 17 12 7 0