Fig. 4.
Comparative threshold vaccine cost between cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. The curves and shades indicate the medians and 95% central ranges of the outcomes, respectively, across all 10,000 probabilistic sensitivity analysis combinations of natural history and health economic parameter values. The outcomes at 25%, 50%, and 75% vaccine uptake are used to estimate the outcomes at other vaccine uptake levels using linear interpolation. a Threshold vaccine cost, i.e., the maximum cost for vaccination at which routine vaccination of girls at age 12 is cost-beneficial (TVCCBA) and cost-effective (TVCCEA) compared to status quo vaccine uptake (12%) at the current market price (US$284 for the two-dose schedule). b The willingness-to-pay threshold at which TVCCBA = TVCCEA. The GDP per capita in Hong Kong is US$40,099