Figure 3. Discriminator base predominantly determines the fate of the substrate.
Deacylation of (a) Gly-tRNAGly and (b) Gly-tRNAGly(U73A) by EcDTD in the presence or absence of EF-Tu (* indicates the data points are connected through line). Deacylation of (c) Gly-(Mm)tRNAGly and (d) Gly-(Mm)tRNAAla by various concentrations of MmDTD. Deacylation of (e) Gly-tRNAGly and (f) Gly-tRNAGly(U73A) by various concentrations of MmDTD. Lines indicate exponential decay fit and error bars represent one standard deviation from the mean of at least three independent readings.