(a) Blood samples were derived from control and pregnant women with PCOS at gestational week 16-19 and AMH concentration was measured by ELISA. (b) Circulating AMH levels in control pregnant women (n = 63) and in pregnant women with PCOS (n = 66). Statistics by unpaired two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test, ***P ≤ 0.0001. (c) Circulating AMH levels in control pregnant women and in pregnant individuals with PCOS stratified by their body mass index (BMI) and classified into lean (Control lean n = 30, PCOS lean n = 32) and obese subjects (Control obese n = 33, PCOS obese n = 34). (d) Circulating AMH levels in pregnant women with PCOS stratified by their BMI and androgen levels (PCOS lean normoandrogenic n = 15, PCOS lean hyperandrogenic n = 16, PCOS obese normoandrogenic n = 16, PCOS obese hyperandrogenic n = 18). (e) Circulating AMH levels in control pregnant women and in PCOS pregnant subjects stratified by their age (Control 27-34 years old n = 42, PCOS 27-34 years old n = 43, Control > 34 years old n = 21, PCOS > 34 years old n = 23). The horizontal line in each plot corresponds to the median value from two technical replicates. The vertical line represents the 25th – 75th percentile range. Statistics in c-e were computed with one-way ANOVA (c: F(3, 125) = 7.534, P = 0.0001; d: F(3, 61) = 3.922, P = 0.0126; e: F(3, 125) = 6.282, P = 0.0005) followed by Bonferroni post hoc test, * P < 0.05, ** P ≤ 0.005, *** P ≤ 0.0005; n.s. = not significant.