Fig. 3.
Principal component analysis (PCA) loading plot describing relationship between different properties of starches from botanical sources. RDS rapidly digestible starch, Fr. I apparent amylose content, BV breakdown viscosity, To onset temperature, PT pasting temperature, Adh. (2D) adhesiveness after 2 days, Adh. (4D) Adhesiveness after 4 days, RS resistant starch, Tc conclusion temperature, Tp peak temperature, Hard (4D) hardness after 4 days, Hard(2D) hardness after 2 days, Gummi.(4D) gumminess after 4 days, A-gra. A-granules, SV setback viscosity, DHr enthalpy of retrogradation, Tcr conclusion temperature retrogradation, PS particle size, Tpr peak temperature retrogradation, FV final viscosity, BV breakdown viscosity, PV peak viscosity, TV trough viscosity, Int. Fr. intermediate fraction, SP swelling power, Fr II long side chains of AP, DHgel enthalpy of gelatinization, SDS slowly digestible starch, Coh. (2D) cohesiveness after 2 days, Coh. 4D cohesiveness after 4 days, Spring.(4D) springiness after 4 days, Spring.(2D) springiness after 2 days, Tor onset temperature retrogradation, B gra. B- granules and Fr. III short side chains of AP